Publishing in the OpenFOAM Journal


The OpenFOAM Journal aims at publishing original papers related to the OpenFOAM computational library.

The main features of the journal are:

  • It is free to publish - no financial contribution required for publications
  • It is free to access - no financial contribution required for accessing the publications
  • Each publication will have an associated discussion forum (in cooperation with CFD Online, to increase the interaction between the readers and the authors, and the overall impact of the contribution.
  • Authors are strongly encouraged to provide information that will allow the reproducibility of the published information (stored on Dataverse), which might include:
    • source code;
    • validation and verification data (including experimental results);
    • case and mesh dictionaries;
    • videos.

All the contributions must outline the following two major keystones in the presentation of the work:

  1. Reproducibility of results
  2. Benefit for the OpenFOAM community (academia and/or industrial application)