More details about the Full Paper Section


The Full Papers Section focuses on publications that provide detailed information about novel solver development, innovative verification and validation done with existing solvers and new case studies that illustrate the potential of OpenFOAM® based tools. 

With this both authors from academia (e.g. novel solver development) as well as authors from industry (e.g. verification and validation) can utilize the full features of a Full Paper. 

In order to aim at reproducibility and benefit for the community, the authors are required to submit either the source code (new solver) or the mesh and case files (V&V). Authors can provide experimental data as well. 

In case of a confidential geometry in a manuscript, the authors do not have to provide the geometry data as well as the mesh and case files. In this case as a substitute authors should provide a simplified and non-confidential geometry. In this case authors can describe confidential and non-confidential cases in their manuscript, but only provide the mesh and case files for the non-confidential problem setting.