Sustainability of the OpenFOAM® Journal


In case you or your colleagues hesitate to submit into OpenFOAM® Journal (OFJ) because it is a new journal and you cannot be sure how long it is going to be around, we can assure you that we are doing our best to grant a long life for OFJ.

The OFJ is under the Technical Committee for Documentation and Tutorials, which itself is part of the OpenFOAM® Governance. So we truly believe that the OFJ will be always part of the OpenFOAM® ecosystem.

We already applied for a DOI as well as ISSN, and we need five publications to have them assigned. Once we have these, we are also aiming for the association to established indexing databases.

Besides reproducibility and benefit for the community, when setting up the OFJ we had in mind its sustainability, to assure its desired long life. Thus, the OFJ is using an open-access framework (the Open Journal Systems), is exclusively electronic, and has minimal maintenance costs. To cover these costs we aim at having just two sponsors per year, which for the 2021 volume are Gompute and Upstream CFD.

Please consider submitting your work with OpenFOAM® to the OFJ, so we can build together a strong journal, which aim at benefiting all the OpenFOAM® community.