Summary for the Editorial Advisory Board Meeting
As you may know, the OpenFOAM® Journal is supported by the Editorial Advisory Board, who help us in reviewing papers and improve the quality of the journal.
In January we had our first yearly meeting of the Board discussing the first year of the OpenFOAM® Journal and collecting ideas, where we can improve the quality of the Journal.
20 members participated in the discussion from all over the world. Here is a short excerpt of the the topics we discussed:
* Getting DOI and ISSN in the upcoming weeks (the OpenFOAM® Journal is now eligible)
* Apply for indexing e.g. in Scopus as soon as we are eligible;
* Motivating people to use the discussion forum of manuscripts on cfd-online.
We thank all advisory board members for they support and we hope to look forward to a great year for the OpenFOAM® Journal!