About the Journal

The  OpenFOAM® Journal aims at publishing works related to the OpenFOAM® computational library, with focus on the benefit for the OpenFOAM® community, is free to publish and open-access. Each publication has an associated discussion forum, to increase the interaction between the readers and the authors, and the overall impact of the contributions.

The journal has a strong focus on reproducibility. Authors are required to present their results in a reproducible form, preferably by sharing codes and case setups used to generate their results, or alternatively by describing numerical settings, solver modifications, etc., in a sufficient level of detail.


Current Issue

Vol. 5: OpenFOAM® Journal 2025

The 5th volume is now open for submissions and will contain all the papers accepted for publication during 2025.

Published: 2025-01-01

Full Papers

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Volume 4 (2024) Contents

18th OpeFOAM® Workshop - 2023